DVAPARA - Craft Based Development Project

Step into the world of Davapar, where the intricate craft of Orissa Ikat intertwines seamlessly with the rich tapestry of India's most revered epic, the Mahabharata.
Welcome to a journey of heritage and pride, where each thread tells a story of tradition and skill. Davapar isn't just about preserving a craft; it's about celebrating it on a global stage.

We the team of 5 ( the PANDAVAS) invites you to witness a tale that transcends time, weaving together the threads of artistry and narrative. Through this project, we unveil a story that will echo through generations, a testament to the enduring spirit of creativity and culture. Join us as we unveil a masterpiece that will live forever in the hearts and minds of those who encounter its magic.
Research and Development : Mili I Muskan I Sagarika I Aditya I Charu 
Project layout - Muskan 
DVAPARA - Craft Based Development Project